Membership Dues
Annual membership dues statements are sent to members each fall. Brothers who would like to pay dues electronically can do so using PayPal by clicking the Pay Dues button.
Invest in Highland
The brothers before us laid the groundwork for Highland Lodge to continue through the generations after them through their generous giving. We are challenged to follow in their steps to lead Highland Lodge in the present, and ensure it continues in the generation after us. Please consider Highland Lodge in a bequest in your final will.
You also can contribute an additional donation to Highland Lodge right now to grow its investment for the future men who knock on our door. You can send ca check made payable to Highland Lodge #184, or contribute electronically using PayPal.
The Favor of your Response is Requested
If you are attending a Highland Lodge event or dinner before a stated communication, please RSVP accordingly.
If you are attending dinner before a stated communication, please RSVP by the Friday before to help Highland brothers prepare for the meal.